INTE 6750 Change Project |
Student Success - Response to Intervention Small Group Teaching in a K-5 Virtual School
In my Trends and Issues class, I was tasked with investigating an issue within your organization or within society and propose a change. I chose to look within my own organization and create a change project that reflects the needed a change. As the Response to Intervention (RTI) Coordinator at my school, I work with a lot of elementary teachers who refer their students to my program. In prior years, these students would be incorporated into the general education small group classes to receive instruction. However, this put extra strain on teachers to also collect data on those students while simultaneously working with up to 40 other students in small groups each week.
When I accepted my RTI Coordinator position, I made it a goal that I would again teach classes to help collect data and to reduce the strain teachers had on taking on these students in addition to their regular duties. At the end of the 2018-2019 school year, I met with the elementary academic administrator to work out a teaching schedule that included RTI reading courses using a new curriculum we had recently purchased. We were successful in integrating my classes into the schedule and I can say that after a year of teaching, myself, the elementary academic administrator, and the grade level teachers have seen vast improvements in students who have been referred to the RTI program. This change has had positive results and we are excited to see continued growth and expansion in the future.
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