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INTE 5711 Pecha Kucha Presentation | 
Little Free Library Program in the Corvallis Community

I was assigned with creating a Pecha Kucha presentation on a topic of my choosing. A pecha kucha is a presentation style that requires you to have twenty slides with 20 seconds to present about each slide. My presentation was about the Little Free Library program, specifically in relation to Corvallis, Oregon where I reside. In many neighborhoods within Corvallis you will find at least a handful of Little Free Library homes that are nestled in the front yard of a home. Inside are various books for all ages and genres. The books are free to take and just as the slogan says on their website, "Take a book, Share a book." My intended audience is for those who are curious about the Little Free Library program and how they can create their own little free library that suits their interests and personality.

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